Wound Healing Foundation-Urgo Foundation Burn Wound Infection Research Grant Honoring Martin C. Robson, MD

2nd Annual Burn Wound Infection Research Grant Honoring Martin C. Robson, MD - Closed June 4, 2024. Read Here to prepare for next year.

CLOSED — Deadline for Submission – June 4, 2024

Non-chosen applicants were notified via email.  

Thank you for all the highly competitive submissions this year.

The Wound Healing Foundation (WHF), through the support of Urgo NA, is pleased to announce the call for applications for the:

  1. Each applicant must be a U.S. citizen or have a green card as a permanent resident
  2. The applicant has a Ph.D., M.D. or equivalent degree and received it within the last 10 years;
  3. The applicant has not previously been the principle investigator on R01 or similar level research awards/projects; and,
  4. The applicant must meet one of the two below list requirements:
    1. if the applicant holds a regular, full time faculty appointment at a U.S. University or Medical School, s/he must be non-tenured at the Instructor or Assistant Professor level and, at the time of the award, be within five (5) years of the initial faculty appointment. Also, the department chairperson must submit a letter** on letterhead describing the available research laboratory facilities and additional sources of salary support and research support, if any, protected time, significance of the research, and the applicant’s qualifications. The letter must also state that Fellowship funds will be used for salary and direct costs only. Absence of this letter will exclude application from consideration.
    2. If the applicant does not hold a regular, full time faculty appointment as provided above (e.g., is apostdoc and/or medical resident or fellow), a senior faculty member of the U.S. University or Medical School laboratory must agree to serve as the Sponsor.  Further, the Sponsor must submit a letter** on letterhead describing the available research laboratory facilities and additional sources of salary support and research support, if any, protected time, significance of the research, and the applicant’s qualifications. The letter must also state that Fellowship funds will be used for salary and direct costs only. Absence of this letter will exclude application from consideration.

** Letters of support can be included with the application materials or sent separately by e-mail to [email protected].

Letters must be emailed and received no later than June 4, 2024.

WHF-Urgo NA Burn Wound Infection Research Grant Honoring Martin C. Robson, MD


The completed application must submitted along with the following supporting documentation:

    1. Applicant’s curriculum vitae and bibliography (Two page limit in NIH format style http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs398/biosketchsample.pdf).
    2. Description of the research proposal: Use Arial 11 or Times New Roman 12 font. Proposal is limited to six (6) single-spaced pages (including any figures or tables) with margins at least 3/4 inch. The proposal should include title of the research project, abstract (300 word limit), background and significance of this research, preliminary data, experimental approach (which should include experimental design, methodology, and expected results, alternative approaches in case problems are encountered) and a time line for the proposed work.  
    3. Literature cited (2 page limit). 
    4. Plans for appropriate institutional approvals (e.g. IRB, IACUC or Animal Studies Committee). No funds will be distributed until the Wound Healing Foundation receives a copy of the appropriate institutional approval.
    5. Letter of support from either the Department Chair or the applicant’s Sponsor (see Criteria).
    6. A current copy of applicant’s Chair/Sponsor’s Institutional Conflict of Interest Statement or written statement about potential Conflict of Interest provided to the Wound Healing Foundation in relationship of scientific proposal and WHF Fellowship monies.
    7. The application and all supporting documentation are only accepted by email as a single pdf file attachment. Submit applications to: [email protected]
    8. Submissions must be received before 11:59 PM ET, June 4, 2024. A received receipt email will be sent. If you do not receive an email receipt for the application, please resend to ensure submission. A letter of support can be sent to Awards Committee of the Wound Healing Foundation with the application or separately to: [email protected].