Wound Healing Foundation Mission
Wound Healing Foundation
Founded in 1999, The Wound Healing Foundation is a public 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to improving wound healing worldwide through funding research, education, and outreach. The Foundation was formed by dedicated professionals committed to wound care and to provide patients, researchers, and health professionals the resources to make significant contributions in the critical and under appreciated area of wound healing.
The inability of wounds, scars and adhesions to heal normally is a major health problem in the United States and globally.
As the population ages, and the prevalence of diseases such as diabetes, chronic venous insufficiency and atherosclerosis increases, the magnitude of chronic wound problems will increase. The Foundation raises public awareness, understanding and funds to support research for wound healing problems in collaboration and coordination with other organizations.
The Wound Healing Foundation is governed by a dedicated Board of Directors composed of leaders in academia, private practice and industry devoted to wound healing problems and the patients and their caregivers that are affected by them.
The Foundation funded the creation of wound healing guidelines for acute wounds, chronic wounds and prevention of wounds by best practices and evidence. These guidelines are freely available to everyone. The Foundation presents yearly research fellowship awards to outstanding scientists and is positioned to expand its research program through additional small grants and young investigator awards
Although chronic wounds affect approximately 6.5 million people in the United States, relatively few clinicians and researchers focus specifically on wound healing.
There is great need for creating awards for the career development of young investigators so they may reach a point where they can obtain independent funding. Even though wounds carry a heavy disease burden, specific wound research funding is low.
Patients and caregivers do not always have access to wound healing specialists. The Foundation in conjunction with our partners are drafting user friendly information for dissemination on-line. Successful wound care is a team effort and the patients and their families have a major role in healing their wound. The Foundation seeks to aid their efforts.
The partnership between the Wound Healing Foundation and other stakeholders in the wound healing arena is an ongoing cooperative venture to accomplish a vital educational and charitable mission: to advance the science and practice of wound healing in the United States and throughout the world. Through the generosity of individuals, corporations, and foundations, the Foundation is committed to innovation and excellence as expanding needs unfold in the 21st century.
Chronic wounds represent a significant burden to patients, health care professionals, and the U.S. health care system, affecting 6.5 million patients and costing an estimated $25 billion annually.
The Wound Healing Foundation proudly endorses BestWoundpractice.com. Best Wound Practice is a library of examples of best wound practice for treating various wounds. It gives practitioners open access to a wide variety of wound treatment examples. BWP aims to erode barriers in the care of wounds; leveling the playing field and ensuring that all patients have equal access to the best level of possible treatment.
Did you know you could help heal wounds by volunteering? You can! The Foundation needs volunteers to help improve wound awareness, raise money for wound research, and promote wound education.
Quick facts on why wounds matter:
- Chronic wounds are a significant global burden to patients and health care professionals.
- In the U.S, chronic wounds affect 6.5 million patients at an estimated cost of $25 billion annually.
- Wounds have a 5 year mortality rate that is greater than almost all cancers!
- Wounds impact everyone from premature babies to the elderly
- Wounds affect the quality of life for the patient and their families and there is a social stigma around them.
The good news is that you can make a difference! By volunteering with WHF, you too can improve awareness, research, and education about wounds. We have projects that can take as little as 5 minutes to complete to ones that run for multiple months. If you have a skill or passion you are willing to share and at least 5 minutes, then volunteer today!