Wound Healing Foundation – Integra Foundation Preceptorship Program
Deadline for Submission – November 30, 2024
The Wound Healing Foundation (WHF), through the support of the Integra Foundation, is pleased to announce the call for applications for three wound Preceptorships:
This program will fund three $2,000 grants to support a fellow, researcher, resident, nurse, therapist, or student committed to making a career in wound healing by visiting a nationally recognized wound care center outside of applicant’s wound community. Examples of recommended wound care centers are Brown University, Indiana University, Institute of Surgical Research, University Arizona, University Illinois, University of Miami, USC, and/or Wake Forest. Others may also be permissible.
The purpose of this program is to stimulate interest and learning in the area of wound care and wound healing research. Three visiting Preceptorships, each at $2,000, will be awarded to applicants who are committed to wound healing clinical care or research. Visiting Preceptorships are expected to generate both a better understanding of wound healing clinical care and research, but also help network with other wound experts. In order to be considered for this visiting Preceptorship, all applications must be received by WHF no later than 11:59 p.m. on November 30, 2024. Following a review and scoring by wound healing research experts and the WHF Awards Committee, three successful applicants will be notified in December 2024. The visiting Preceptorship recipients will be recognized during the Wound Healing Foundation (WHF) Award Ceremony at the DLS Conference April 10-12, 2025 at the J. W. Marriott in Washington, DC. The visiting Preceptorship award shall begin when the award is paid to the recipient once arrangements are confirmed, targeted for December 2024.
The award is restricted because it is intended and designated solely for the purpose of visiting and learning from wound experts outside of applicant’s community for approximately one week regarding wound healing care and research. The Preceptorship funds can be used for travel, room and board expenses as part of the visiting Preceptorships program. No part of the award may be used for indirect costs or the support of routine clinical duties. Further, the funds are to be exhausted by November 30, 2025, unless an exception to extend the term is granted by WHF in its sole discretion; if granted, the term of the extension will be based on the underlying facts and circumstances.
Applicants must satisfy the requirements set forth in The Criteria, complete the Application form, and provide all required supporting documentation as instructed and within the time limits stipulated.
The Preceptor recipient is expected to utilize what has been learned and share and apply it within their research. Sharing of the Preceptorship experience with the WHF through written, photo, and/or video reports is required. Additionally, when publicly referencing the visiting Preceptorship program, the recipient is required to acknowledge the Wound Healing Foundation-Integra Foundation Preceptorship support by using text and image content to be provided by WHF.
WHF reserves the right to rescind the award at any time if the recipient fails to comply with the terms and conditions set forth herein and as provided in the submitted research application and supporting documentation
- Each applicant must be a U.S. citizen or have a green card as a permanent resident
- The applicant can be a fellow, researcher, resident, nurse, therapist, or student working towards or have an MD, PhD, DPM, DO, WOCN, PT/OT, DVM or other similar degrees.
- Letter of support from either the Department Chair or the applicant’s Sponsor: a: Letters of support must be submitted on institutional letterhead describing the applicant including merit and character and how the visiting Preceptorship could impact the applicant and/or the institution. b: The letter must also state that Preceptorship funds will be used specifically for expenses incurred for the visiting Preceptorship only. Absence of this letter will exclude applicant from consideration.
** Letters of support can be included with the application materials or sent separately by e-mail to [email protected].
Letters must be emailed and received no later than November 30, 2024.
WHF-Integra Foundation Young Investigator Visiting Preceptorship
Application Supporting Documentation
The completed application must submit along with the following supporting documentation:
- Applicant’s curriculum vitae and bibliography (Two page limit in NIH format style http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs398/biosketchsample.pdf).
- Description of the visiting Preceptorship proposal: Use Arial 11 or Times New Roman 12 font. Proposal is limited to two (2) single-spaced pages (including any figures or tables) with margins at least 3/4 inch. The proposal should describe: a: Why the applicant is applying for the visiting Preceptorship. b: What information, education, and/or experience the applicant is seeking to learn. c: Where the visiting Preceptorship would take place. Include institution, names, and departments as much as possible.* Also include if you have a secondary choice. d: When the visiting Preceptorship is expected to occur. Most visiting Preceptorship last approximately one week. e: How the applicant plans to implement the new knowledge upon their return to their home institution.
- Letter of support from either the Department Chair or the applicant’s Sponsor (see Criteria).
- The application and all supporting documentation are only accepted by email as a single pdf file attachment. Submit applications to: [email protected].
- Submissions must be received before 11:59 PM ET, November 30, 2024. A received receipt email will be sent. If you do not receive an email receipt for the application, please resend to ensure submission. A letter of support can be sent to Wound Healing Foundation Awards Committee with the application or separately to: [email protected].
* Examples of recommended wound care centers with exemplary wound care and research include Brown University, Indiana University, Institute of Surgical Research, University Arizona, University Illinois, University of Miami, University of Southern California, and/or Wake Forest. Others may also be permissible. None are guaranteed.